According to the City website, comments on the voting process for
dog park location have closed as of July 31st.
However, you can still contact your city representatives:
Jackie Beecham, director YPCE: jbeecham@cityofsacramento.org
Rick Jennings, City Councilman: rjennings@cityofsacramento.org
Darrel Steinberg, Mayor: Engage@CityofSacramento.org
Howard Chan, City manager: hchan@cityofsacramento.org
The city posted 8 options for standard full-time dog parks:
There are 8 site options including:
Sierra 2
Curtis Park North
Curtis Park South
Ray Eames Park (Crocker Village Detention Basin)
Land Park (3 different options)
Partner Park (South Land Park) and a small dog area.
We recommend the Sierra 2 location as the preferred option,
though we would prefer to see shared use at that site.
Here are some suggested points to consider:
Sierra 2
This was the preferred option based on the survey. 75% of the survey respondents wanted the dog park at Sierra 2 Green.
It is the most accessible for the residents in the near area who want to use an off-leash dog area.
We could still have soccer if we share the space and return to training hours of before 9 AM and after 5 PM, with accommodation for a variation during winter hours. (One option would be to put a southern fence just south of the southern field goal. See alternate shared-use park layouts)
Keep the surface turf and minimize internal fencing if we can.
If there is a small dog area, it needs to have some shade!
Curtis Park North
Limited Parking and would displace many uses such as Music in the Park, Curtis Fest, Movies in the Park, soccer and other activities.
The dog park would need to be fenced inside of the jogging path. Joggers and children in strollers may attract barking dogs at the fence.
Far more impacts on the neighborhood than Sierra 2.
A fence here would be visually jarring and obscure the open-air feel of the park at its gateway entrance.
Curtis Park South
This would work better than Curtis Park North since it would displace fewer other park uses
Limited Parking.
Not as centrally located as Sierra 2.
Sutterville is a busy roadway. Loose dogs could be at risk.
The dog park would need to be fenced inside of the jogging path. Joggers and children in strollers may attract barking dogs at the fence or startle and frighten the dogs.
Noise from traffic on Sutterville road would be a big problem, both for dogs hearing commands and people conversing among themselves.
Ray Eames Crocker Village Detention Basin
Seasonal use only, not year round. Dogs need exercise every day!
No Parking
Most people using Sierra 2 would have a much longer walk or would have to drive and there is no parking.
Not suitable for mobility impaired people because of steep climb in and out.
Great for soccer since soccer schedule generally doesn’t conflict with the rainy season when the basin will be closed.
Very close to residents to the south.
Land Park Alternatives and Partner Park at Belle Coolridge.
Nice ideas in addition to Sierra 2 but not as a replacement for Sierra 2.
Too far away to walk to and minimal parking.
Land Park 3 is not as far, but the walk to get to it is along extremely busy streets and/or through busy schools (SCC campus and past McClatchy which is very busy in the mornings and afternoons.)
We need many shady and turfed year round off-leash areas that are accessible in Land Park, Curtis Park, Tahoe Park, Hollywood Park, North CIty Farms, and Oak Park. Again in addition to but not as a replacement for Sierra 2.
Questions for the City staff
When is the public forum where we can speak?
Why isn’t shared use offered as an alternative at Sierra 2?
Once the site(s) is identified, when is the scoping session for the environmental review?
Once the site(s) are selected will there be an opportunity to be involved in more refinements to the design and layout?