Common Ground understands that we are asking the city to do something unconventional.
We are asking that they follow successful progressive models in other cities. We hope they will consider the increase in urban density, the changing demographics, and the positive impact on climate change of having a neighborhood park that encourages local residents to walk instead of drive.
Common Ground believes that additional fencing is not necessary for a successful DOLA, but we have put forth two shared-use proposals that do include the security of new fencing.
Proposal #1 (for time-shared use): This design adds one fence just south of the southern field goal. It allows for the playground, a shaded picnic and play area, the old climbing oak and the basketball court, all completely leash-only. The north end of the field would be shared use, available only to off-leash dogs during limited hours and always giving sports teams priority.
This is essentially a return to what worked for over 20 years--with the addition of a fence on the south side so that anyone can use the dog-free part of the park even during off-leash hours. It makes it very easy for everyone to safely enjoy the park anytime.

Proposal #2 (for space-shared use): This design adds an enclosed dog park with multiple access gates, leaving the rest of the park a leash-only zone.